下方圖片連結到 Apple 的 WWDC23 sessions 頁面 - What Apple developers need to know at WWDC23

What Apple developers need to know at WWDC23

這個敏捷燕子飛行的下方,有個 platforms.append() 加的就是 vision pro

Platform append vision pro


Hey, developers, it’s Dub Dub ‘23, where we’re talking infinite possibilities.

175 new sessions helping you bring your ideas onto two billion Apple devices, from hundreds of Apple engineers and designers.

  • Hello, everyone. - Hey, Allen.

If you want to catch up on Swift data…

  • I’m excited to see what you will build.

…take widgets to new places, or design for watchOS 10, there’s a session for that.

SwiftUI custom animations, Xcode’s enhanced test navigator, and Xcode previews, there’s a session for that.

  • Let’s jump right in.

  • Swift-DocC documentation, anyone? - Yeah.

  • You can unleash your AAA game with Apple silicon now on Mac Pro and Mac Studio with M2.

Boom! And of course, immerse yourself in visionOS and Reality Composer Pro.

  • It looks like we’re up and running.

  • There’s a bunch of sessions for that.

♪ Upbeat electronic music ♪ Get all of this and the platform State of the Union at developer.apple.com.

And if you find yourself dreaming about the future, there’s a session for that.


嘿,開發者們,這是Dub Dub ‘23,我們將談論無限的可能性。


大家好。- 嘿,艾倫。 如果你想了解Swift數據…

我很期待看到你們的建設成果。 …將小工具應用到新的領域,或者為watchOS 10設計,都有相關的研討會。



Swift-DocC文檔,有人有興趣嗎?- 是的。

現在你可以在Mac Pro和Mac Studio上利用Apple silicon打造出AAA級遊戲。

轟隆隆!當然,還有著陶醉於visionOS和Reality Composer Pro。



♪ 歡快的電子音樂 ♪ 在developer.apple.com上了解所有這些內容,以及平台的年度報告。



What Apple developers need to know at WWDC23
