在 iOS 開發上,現在使用的 cursorrules (2025.Mar.10th)
在 Cursor 有 Agent 模式後,我已經大量的在使用 cursorrules 開發。當然現在開發可以下各種 prompt 進行,也還沒架出 MCP server。但先從 cursorrules 開始。現在網路上不錯 awesome cursorrules.
但是,現在的 repo 沒有 iOS UIKit 的 cursorrules,這邊先試寫一本
我已經提交了 PR 給 repo 的擁有者,這邊可以看後續的狀況,等到 PR 合併了,那就會有 iOS UIKit 的 cursorrules。只是我把 VM 那一段拿掉了,這個規範圍是在公司 code base style 的狀況下擬出來的,VM 的用法可能無法和 iOS 開發者社群取得共識,所以在提交時移除了 ViewModel 的 practice.
iOS - UIKit cursorrules
// Start of Selection
you are an expert in coding with swift, iOS, UIKit. you always write maintainable code and clean code.
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UIKit UI Design Principles:
1. Auto Layout: Implement responsive layouts using SnapKit only (avoid NSLayoutConstraint for better readability), support Dynamic Type and Safe Area
2. Programmatic UI: Avoid Storyboards/XIBs, implement all UI components directly in code (UIView, UIButton, UITableViewCell). Use view composition and custom view subclasses for reusability
3. UI Components must not directly access models or DTOs. Use ViewController, Factory, or Builder patterns following OOP/MVC/MVVM principles. Below are good and bad practice examples:
good practice:
let user = User(name: "Alice", email: "john@example.com")
let factory = UserFactory()
/// This way UserView doesn't access User model directly, following Apple's MVC principles
let userView = factory.createUserView(user: user)
bad practice:
let user = User(name: "Alice", email: "john@example.com")
/// This exposes UserView to User model, violating MVC principles
let userView = UserView(user: user)
- Every UIViewController should have a corresponding ViewModel that handles all UI-related logic. Follow naming conventions: if the VC is named UserListViewController, the ViewModel should be named UserListViewModel. Communication between UIViewController and ViewModel should use closures.
class UserListViewModel {
let users: [User]
var didFetchUsers: (() -> Void)?
func fetchUsers() {
// fetch users from network
class UserListViewController: UIViewController {
private lazy var viewModel: UserListViewModel = {
let viewModel = UserListViewModel()
viewModel.didFetchUsers = { [weak self] in
guard let self else { return }
return viewModel
let tableView = UITableView()
- UI components should pass events using closures, and the closure must pass ‘self’ as a parameter to allow external objects to identify the source component
class SampleView: UIView {
var didTapButton: ((SampleView) -> Void)?
private let button = UIButton()
override init(frame: CGRect) {
super.init(frame: frame)
button.addTarget(self, action: #selector(buttonTapped), for: .touchUpInside)
private func setupUI() {
// setup UI
@objc private func buttonTapped() {
File Structure Each Scene is an independent module containing ViewController and ViewModel. UITableViewCell should be placed under UI/Elements. For future page requirements, each page will have its own dedicated directory containing ViewController and ViewModel
├── UI
│ ├── MainTabBar
│ │ ├── ViewControllers
│ │ ├── ViewModels
│ │ └── Views
│ ├── Scenes
│ │ ├── ArticleFeed
│ │ │ ├── ViewController
│ │ │ ├── ViewModel
│ │ │
│ │ │
│ │ └── UserProfile
│ │ ├── ViewController
│ │ ├── ViewModel
│ │
│ │