Standardization of Swift Code

In projects with multiple collaborators, standardizing Swift code is an important issue. If your project only involves one person, then standardization only requires that one developer, but in practice, I usually have three or four people working on a project together. It’s impossible to rely on past experience to reach a consensus on coding style. Using SwiftLint and SwiftFormat can help all team members review and automatically correct code style.


SwiftLint GitHub Link

SwiftLint is a static code analysis tool that checks whether our code conforms to Swift’s standard style and best practices. It can detect and warn us about common errors and style issues in our code, such as missing comments, spaces, brackets, and inconsistent naming. Using SwiftLint can make our code more consistent and easier to read, thus improving code quality and maintainability.

You can use the –fix command to handle simple formatting issues like empty lines in one go. However, this command can’t deal with more complex lint issues. For example, in my testing, it does not move parameters in trailing closures that are not on the same line as {.

# SwiftLint automatic correction command
swiftlint --fix


SwiftFormat GitHub Link

SwiftFormat is a tool similar to SwiftLint, and I usually use both tools together because their linting capabilities are different. This tool can adjust standards for indentation, whether opaque types should be managed, and even the order of imports, sorting them alphabetically.


The benefits of code standardization include improving code quality and readability, thus making our code easier to maintain and extend. By using SwiftLint and SwiftFormat, we can automatically detect and correct our code style issues, making our code more consistent and easier to read. Additionally, these tools can enhance our development efficiency, allowing us to focus more on developing high-quality applications.

Overall, standardizing Swift code is an important topic that helps us improve code quality and readability, thus making our code easier to maintain and extend. By using SwiftLint and SwiftFormat, we can automate the detection and correction of our code style issues, enhancing our development efficiency and application quality.

Let’s continue to explore the benefits brought by standardizing Swift code:

  • By using SwiftLint and SwiftFormat, we can automate the detection and correction of our code style issues, saving us a significant amount of time and effort, and improving our development efficiency.
  • Code standardization makes our code more consistent and easier to read, thus enhancing code quality and maintainability.
  • Through code standardization, we can make our code easier to extend and maintain, which makes the applications we develop more stable and reliable.

In summary, code standardization is a very important topic, especially in large projects, as it makes our code easier to maintain and extend. By using SwiftLint and SwiftFormat, we can automate the detection and correction of our code style issues, improving our development efficiency and application quality. If you haven’t started using these tools yet, I strongly recommend you begin using them to make your project’s code more readable, maintainable, and extensible.
