Meet WeatherKit at WWDC22

WWDC22: Key Takeaways from Meet WeatherKit

Meet WeatherKit - WWDC22 - Videos - Apple Developer
WeatherKit provides valuable weather data for your apps and services, helping people stay informed about the latest weather conditions.

Data Provided

  • Current weather
  • Weather forecast: daily/hourly/minute granularity
  • Wind direction and strength
  • Sunrise/sunset phases and moon phases
  • Historical weather data
  • More details available in the documentation

Pricing Model (Platform State of the Union)

  • Free for up to 500K calls/month
  • Higher tiers available, e.g., 1M calls/month at $49.99

Free under 500k calls

Various plans available for higher traffic needs

It’s foreseeable that a multitude of weather apps will sprout up following this release.

Accessing WeatherKit with just a few lines of code:

import WeatherKit
import CoreLocation

let weatherService = WeatherService()

let syracuse = CLLocation(latitude: 43, longitude: -76)

let weather = try! await syracuse)

let temperature = weather.currentWeather.temperature

let uvIndex = weather.currentWeather.uvIndex

Apple also offers a method to call WeatherKit via RESTful API:

/* Request a token */
const tokenResponse = await fetch('');
const token = await tokenResponse.text();

/* Get my weather object */
const url = ""

const weatherResponse = await fetch(url, {headers: {"Authorization": token}});
const weather = await weatherResponse.json();

/* Check for active weather alerts */
const alerts = weather.weatherAlerts;
const detailsUrl = weather.weatherAlerts.detailsUrl;

Apple WeatherKit documentation:

By Marvin Lin on June 9, 2022.

Canonical link
